Sunday, September 21, 2008

#19 - Podcasts the way of the future

I'm not so keen on pod casts, it's sort of like listening to talk back radio which is incredibly boring. I guess I just have to find something I am more interested in order to fully appreciate the use of this tool.
I did try to find some "interesting library related pod casts like book review pod casts or library news" as suggested by the exercises blog but failed to find anything that I found sufficiently interesting. However I do feel that this could be an interesting tool to link in with our library as we could link pod casts such as the NY times book review to books or at least encourage our users to notice and use this technology in order to gain further knowledge on what they are researching or to find out more about books that they have heard of and are not sure whether they would like them.
Even though I didn't find a sufficiently interesting library pod cast, I did find a Hamish & Andy pod cast :D Hopefully, I will be able to use these tools in the future in order to find more hilarious and entertaining pod casts

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