Thursday, July 24, 2008

Exercise #3 - Posting a comment

This was a fairly interesting task. I enjoyed surfing through the various links provided on the main "Exercises" page. I had never been to Boingboing before and found some of the articles there semi-interesting.
One of the posts I was most interested in was this cool clip about a street performer who instead of doing the "pretend-to-be-a-statue" trick, placed an actual statue on the street. Sounds so hilarious!


NSL Training Support Team said...

Hope someone replies to your post with the YouTube link,it sounds very funny. Somebody has posted a link to a similar one from Australia's 'The Chaser'- might have to check that out.

Elizabeth Morland said...

Hey I finally started. Totally agree with you about this task, in the past I have always been put of blogs, thought they were mostly just people complaining about their problems, but there were some really interesting ones out there, funny and educational.